After the Psychology Degree with Dr. Eric Landrum

In Episode 45 we are joined by Dr. Eric Landrum from Boise State University and inaugural Co-Editor of APA’s journal Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Psychology to talk about teaching, the role of educators in preparing students for life after graduation, and the value of a degree in psychology. In this wide ranging episode, Eric shares with us how educators can assist students in developing skills in the classroom to be successful in the workforce after graduating with a degree in psychology. What is ‘meaningful assessment’ and why is it important for students and instructors? How can educators help students identify the skills they learned in the classroom and market those skills for jobs outside of academia? What percentage of psychology graduates pursue further education in psychology? All this and much more in After the Psychology Degree with Dr. Eric Landrum!


The Novice Professor with Dr. Ciara Kidder

Psych Sessions with Dr. Garth Neufeld and Dr. Eric Landrum