Why Sharks Matter with Dr. David Shiffman

It is Shark Week and we had to get Dr. David Shiffman on the podcast to explain why sharks matter. Today’s episode is chalk full of information on sharks like: What makes a shark different than other fish? What are the largest living shark? How do marine biologists catch sharks and study them ethically? Does a marine biologist think a Mega Shark or a Giant Octopus would win in a fight? Additionally, Drake and David talk about the issues with Shark Week and the myths/misinformation associated with the most talked about fish in the sea.


Follow Dr. David Shiffman on Twitter @whysharksmatter and check out his “Save our seas” project here: https://saveourseas.com/project-leader/david-shiffman/.

For David’s open access research on marine conservation and other topics: davidshiffmancv.com